Ana-Maria Simundic [*] [1] Elizabeta Topic [1] Dubravka Cvoriscec [1]

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Biochemia Medica is proud to announce the launch of the Editorial Manager system (Aries Systems Corporation, USA), a new system for online manu­script submission, tracking and peer review. This sy­stem enables authors to submit their manu­scripts in a highly secure fashion and to be able to check the status of their submissions whenever they need to. For editors it provides a convenient and easy-to-use tool for handling and tracking the submissions. Lastly, it simplifies and improves the communication of journal editors with its review­ers to the benefit of authors, editors and reviewers. Manuscripts are submitted through the online sub­mission system ( The link to this system has been made available on the journal website. To continue providing the double blind review process to its authors and reviewers, we have customized the submission process and items required for submission. Authors are required to submit the manuscript and the title page as two separate documents. Manuscript should not contain any information about the authors, whereas the titlepage should be provided as the separate page and it should include the author’s names and affiliations. The title page is only for the editorial use and is not to be forwarded to the reviewers. Thus, all manuscripts forwarded to reviewers shall not have the author’s identification. This way both authors and reviewers are blinded for the paper revision. For full information on the manuscript preparation authors are invited to read our newly updated Instructions to authors available on the web site and at the end of this issue.
This significant improvement is the result of the continuous efforts of the journal editorial board to increase the journal submission rate by attracting the best submissions from potential authors and speeding-up the manuscript processing time.
Biochemia Medica is also proud to inform its readers about the new web page ( that has been launched simultaneously with the Editorial Manager system. The most important functionality of the web page is the accessibility of all published articles in an easy readable HTML format. We hope this shall contribute to the increase of the number of web page visits and article downloads. This is consistent with our principal aim to produce and propagate our profession addressing its all relevant disciplines. We encourage all our readers and authors to visit our newly designed web page. We welcome any comments and suggestions on the page content and functionality as well as on the submission system.
Lastly, we would like to inform our readers that from this issue the official language of the journal is English. Biochemia Medica shall accept and publish only manuscripts in English language, accompanied by abstract in Croatian. All papers accepted for publication shall have their abstract translated by the official journal language editor. This decision has been made by the Editorial Board and approved by the general assembly of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists, who is the owner of the Journal.
We hope this and all previous efforts will further contribute to the continuous increase of the quality of the journal content.