Vanhove, Aertgeerts, Witters, Rymen, Böckenhauer, Frans, and Vermeersch: A case of alkaptonuria presenting with unexplained dark-stained diapers and spurious hyperoxaluria and proteinuria due to homogentisic acid interference
Thibault Vanhove[1] ,Margo Aertgeerts[2][3] ,Peter Witters[4][5] ,Daisy Rymen[4][5] ,Detlef Böckenhauer[2][6] ,Glynis Frans[1][7] ,Pieter Vermeersch[1][8][*]

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Keywords: preanalytical phase; interference; homogentisic acid; dark-stained urine; alkaptonuria; inborn errors of metabolism; case report